Move On

Well i have a crush on my bestfriend (he`s a guy) But he`s starting to ignore me. He likes my best friend nadine. My heart is melting my minds on fire im dying here but i say ok. He doesen`t no i like him and i was about to ask him out when he told me he liked my bestfriend.Tears were about to come out of my eyes when my best friend nadine showed up and he asked her out. Should i move on or should i wait till they break up?:(
Posted by Hollywood; updated 06/16/05


It depends, does ur friend like him back? If not, then u should make ur move if u think u guys have potential! If your friend does like him back, I think you should just move on. Maybe when u r unavailable, he will grow a greater interest romantically for u...
Posted by Heather; updated 06/16/05


Thanks hether but he is way to cute 4 her
I mean she likes him so and she knows i like him and shes like i already said yes. And im like about to die here . Im praticly in love with my best friend(thats a guy)
Posted by Hollywood; updated 06/17/05