Did I Come On Too Strong???
Hey peeps!
Well, there`s this guy I`ve liked for a while. I notice that he treats me differently than the way he treats a lot of other girls. He tends to tease and flirt w/ other girls, but is normally very complimentary and sweet to me. My friends thinks he`s egotistical, but I have come to know a whole other side to him.
Anyway, he said I was honorable and complimented a skirt I made, yadda yadda. I wrote in his yearbook, when we exchanged, that he has an interesting personality and a hot body and left my e-mail. Was that a little too risqué? Thanks for ur responses!
Posted by Heather; updated 06/14/05
No that wasn`t too risky. He sounds like i guy that will email you. If you`ll already got to know each other than he won`t take it in a bad way. You should be expecting him to email you.You didn`t come on to strong.
Posted by Jocelin; updated 06/16/05
No u didnt u were just letting the guy no how you feel. Im sorta like that but i can say it to there face. For example my best friend (thats a guy)I have told him to his face your sexy but it dosent mean i came on to strong
Posted by Hollywood; updated 06/17/05