I NeEd SoNgZ...and A PlAy By PlAy PlAn FoR My QuInCe...

Wudz up!?my quince is on may 8th 2006 i dont know how to plan it.i need a play by play plan((what do the "kids" do?how many should i have,how many damas y guyz should i have?how many escorts and what do they do(other then escort me!!!),)).and what are some good songz i can dance to with my boifriend,a song para el valz,and a court song(not waltz),y una cansion para la "sorpresa",and a song that i can dance with my dad to? if u have any ideas for any of these hit me up at Ghetto_gurl_96@yahoo.com or just write me back here!!!! Thanx!!!
Posted by colombiaz shorty; updated 06/13/05


Im having mine in July 10th i almost got everything i can email u all dat 411 u need but its gunna have to b next week cuz im still planning things lol but if u still want ma help tell me ya email...and good luck
Posted by cynthia; updated 06/17/05


Hey yea i need all da help u can give me. My e mail is lilangell55@yahoo.com..give me all da 411
Posted by Colombiaz Shorty; updated 06/19/05