I need help to prepare my sisters quincenera. I know she wants a hot pink w/ white dress. Come from mexican heritage, so I would like ideas to follow some of traditions from mexico.
Necesito ayuda e ideas en como planear los quince anos de mi hermana. Quiere un vestido rosa fuerte. Pero venimos de desendencia mexicana y me gustaria informare en que orden son las tradiciones como ej. El vals, prsentacion de esclava, presentacion de muneca, vals, y etcetera. Por favor muchas
Posted by maritza; updated 06/13/05
IN my fifteens( i come from mexican heritage too) We first did the presentacion of the quinceanera vals, then the coronacion with the madrina, then another vals, and then the baile sorpresa.
Posted by Jocelin; updated 06/16/05
Thanks, for the information and if you think of anything else let me know.
Posted by maritza; updated 06/16/05