
I know that u will probably think that i am really stupid, but how do u flirt with a guy?
Posted by fij; updated 06/11/05


Well theres no way 2 flirt w/ a guy it just sorta comes? like when ure near him words come out that u wouldnt say 2 another guy! like u ask 4 his # and yall talk 4 hrs and hrs on da phone! i dont no it just comes when u want 2 talk 2 him! hope i could help!
Posted by Minnie; updated 06/11/05


Thanx, but it doesnt really. When im around him i get so shy i cant think of anything 2 say
Posted by fij; updated 06/11/05


Srry! just start a simple talk. Like hey or wat r u doin later sumthin like that?
Posted by Minnie; updated 06/11/05


Thanx i`ll try
Posted by fij; updated 06/11/05


Ure welcome! let me no wat happens! GOOD LUCK
Posted by Minnie; updated 06/12/05


Well i was talking 2 the guy i like on MSN & he told me that he likes me so i told him i did back. The day after he told me, we had sport & we were in soccer together & some1 fouled me (pushed me over) & after the match he came up 2 me & hugged me : ) : )
Posted by fij; updated 06/17/05


When you flirt you sorta play with your hair look into each others eyes but you cant make it happen it just happens
Posted by Hollywood; updated 06/17/05


Well i hope yal 2 flirt around more and mayb yal well go out! good luck : )
Posted by Minnie; updated 06/17/05


Well i dunno im thinkin of asking a guy 4his# but a we dont talk much and so ya no it would be really crazy what would i tak w/hi bout? and when i did talk 2 him at skoo it was .......... Like in da halls !!- ( I had NO classes W/ HIM). And it was like 2 words!!*_* i talk ta his friends on da phone cuz ihad classes w/da Guys *friends* SO i `D talk 2 them cuz were koo, but when i du get my hands on his #, which is 2morra im not quite sur bout what im gonna talk 2 him bout, CLARO que im gonna ask him 2g2 the muvies on SUNDAY* but what do i say after i ask that on the phone??
Posted by annonymous; updated 06/17/05


Well you would say like wat muvie would you want to see.wats your favorite food something about the movies. I like my best friend (he`s a guy) and i invited him to come over and go swimming with me I called um 4 the first time. He said he would go. Soo after i asked him that we started talking about school.When he came to the party after we got out the pool he kissed me.If this advice doesen`t work Email me @
Posted by Hollywood; updated 06/18/05