I NEED HELP!!!!!!!
Hey my 15s r gonna b 11/12. My theme is goin 2 b cinderella. I need help w/ da songs. Im lookin 4 a song 2 dance w/ my granfather n stepdad in spanish. I cant seem 2 find any. Also i was wonderin if u have any suggestions 4 a salsa, merengue song. O yea n instrumental 4 my candle ceremony. My dress is goin 2 b blue n i dont kno wat color my damas should be. I was thinkin gold but i dont kno. If any of u have an suggestions i would greatly appreciate. I am so lost wen it comes to this whole 15s thing. Thanks in advance. Jlo91590@hotmail.com
Posted by johanna; updated 06/06/05
Does any1 kno a website were i can find the hair do 4 my damas??
Posted by johanna; updated 06/07/05
Well it depends on what kind of blue your dress is going to be. If its baby blue then a light pink would go pretty for the damas. My dress is light pink and i had trouble picking a color for my damas but i decided on a burgondy color. Sorry i dont know any good songs. Good luck!!!! :~)
Posted by bri; updated 06/07/05