Hey i need some help well i am in love with this guy and hes in love with me the only problem is dat he lives far far away and we never get to see each other he promised to come see me in the summer but he kinda cheated on me well it wasent his fault thats wut he told me and wut he did made him change so much he told me that this gurl was tha one who started to kiss him and he says i dont deserve him and we should end it but i love him weve been thru so much i dont wanna let him go but maybe this is good for tha both of us i tell myself maybe later in the future when im older we can meet up and get married and b together but not now i have to at least meet other ppl not just decide to spend the rest of my life with him should i???????? and theres this guy that lives here where i live and he likes me and i kind of like him should i try to forget my first and only love and give this new guy a chance :( i dont know wut to do i wanna wait for him but then wut if i wait and we dont get nowhere and im 15 and hes 19 my friends tell me im still young i need other guys please help me give me advice my email is baby_trixsta_13@yahoo.com thanX!!!!!
Posted by ANA; updated 05/19/05