Rehearsal Dinner Invitations
My mother is having a rehearsal dinner for my brother`s wedding. Should only the actual wedding party be invited to the dinner, or should their spouses also be invited. My mother has said she has only invited, and plans to pay for, the wedding party`s dinners. What happens if spouses and kids also attend? Is it proper etiquette to tell everyone ahead of time that only the wedding party`s dinners are paid for and anyone else that attends should pay for their own?
Posted by Barb McBride; updated 05/10/05
The rehearsal dinner is just for the people in the wedding party. If it is okay with the person hosting the dinner that spouses and children be there - then yes they should pay for their own dinners. But check with the host, don`t just assume it will be okay to bring your spouse and kids.
Posted by neona; updated 05/10/05