Miracles Do Happen
Hi my name is suheyla im new here.
I was surfing the net the other day and was doing research on how to become pregnant after depo.... I came acrose this web page were this women was trying for five years with no hope. She did try everything, she read every book and every artical available. After five years of research ,frustration and a miscarage she discovered a very important piece of research. She believed that this was the key that finally meant that she could fall pregnant and carry a baby to term. After applying this secret she fall pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful girl and after that a lil baby boy.
She wrote a book about her story and what her secret was.
I have read the book and the book is amazing ...i`m now on the road that she took and hopefully sometime soon it will happen for me too.
Here is a link to her book:
Posted by suheyla; updated 05/06/05