Hey everyone, my quine is in september this year and ive been switching themes alot....it gets realy hard and my mom wanted me to do cinderella but theres been alot of that theme so i thought maybe i should do the more modern cinderella.....in the movie when she dances with her prince he hands her a pink rose so my chambelan is going to do that and im going to wear pink high top converse until my dad switches my shoe!! If anyone has any other ideas can you please let me know!! MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS KISSMYCHEEKS21@YAHOO.COM
Posted by dennise; updated 05/01/05


Hi im here to help email me or instant message me at sunshinin_Rifle06@hotmail.com or Lafuente06@aol.com
Posted by maria; updated 05/02/05


I love your idea my quince is in september and im doing the old cinderella theme i say you stick tou your theme
Posted by karina; updated 05/18/05


Hey karina (twin) lol u know me im ur homegurl... Yeh guess who i am .......
Posted by someone; updated 07/10/05