17th Birthday Ideas Needed !!!

Hey I am turning 17 June 1st. I did not have a sweet 16 and i would really like to m,ake up for that by having a great party this year but it cant be to costy and ideas at all would be appreciated!
Posted by Rose; updated 04/29/05


Hey i dont really no the types of things u like to do and i understand the not getting to costly part so i would say mabey renting a limo. If u do a little research on the internet or call local limo companies u can find one for only $100.00 which is not bad at all for a limo. I did that one time and we just drove around town and a local mall and everyone had so much fun! Then we came back to my house and played some games. It might sound a little kiddish but just being together with friends is always fun cause u are create memories by the minute! :-) hope that helps some if u need more ideas or some game idea just contact me and i have some more good ideas :-)
Posted by Nevaeh; updated 05/02/05


Hey nevaeh i need more help thinking of ideas and games thanks for helping
Posted by Rose; updated 05/02/05


No problem anytime.....If u can tell me what kind of games u r interested in that would better help me to give u some ideas. For example if u r inviting some guys and want kissing games then i could give u ideas for a few of those, if u have just a couple friends that r more of the calm game type or mabey like loud games where everyone interacts i could give u some ideas for those so just let me know what kind of games u r wanting to do (game ideas r mostly if u r going to have your party at home)....if u dont want to do it at home if u drive u can mabey drive a couple friends around town singing along with the radio and just doing crazy but fun things while your out....or this might sound kind of childish but golf in stuf is always fun and there are actually mostly older teens there anyways, i dont know if they have one where u live but it is a good idea if u do especially if its at night cause it is dark and they have different color light shining on the lake type thing in the center it is so beutiful and the go-carts and bumber boats and laser tag is always fun and guarented to have u guys laughing it is also in expensive so it is perfect but i am not sure if they have one where u live so just let me know what types of games u r wanting to do and i`ll be happy to give u some good ideas :-)
Posted by Nevaeh; updated 05/02/05


I am going to have half the party at home so i want one that interacts
Posted by Rose; updated 05/02/05


These will probably sound childish but i would say buy the game `twister.` It get every one envolved and its fun because u get all tangled with eachother. Also no matter what age anyone is, everyone enjoys the game sharades ( the game where everyone writes something on a piece of paper and puts it in a hat or something and then u take turns drawing a paper out and acting it out and the other people not acting are guessing.) That is another game that involes everyone not just the person with the turn. Truth or dare seems to be the game for all teens. It involves everyone and shows how daring u r, if u r willing to take risks, where your boundaries r and if you`ll cross them. There is also this came thats called `lemon` which not many people have heard of which makes it even better. What u do is write 6 headlines with plenty of space under them
THE 1ST ONE IS:GUY (that is where u write 3guys that r nasty and 1 that is hot)
THE 2ND ONE IS:Action (this is where u write an action such as lick, sniff, rub anything but it turns out funnier if it is kind of sexual)
THE 3RD ONE IS: Girl (this is where u put girls names probably the girl that r with u)
THE 4TH ONE IS: Body part ( this one u write down a part of the body)
THE 5TH ONE IS: Place (this is where u write down a place such as bedroom,street, mcdonalds,ect.)
THE 6TH ONE IS: song (this is where u put a fragment of a song like oops i did it again, or baby hit me one more time)
After u have writen down 4 of each of these for each subject u randomly place them together so u will end up with something like: Johnny (guy) kissed(action) jessica(girl) on her neck(body part) in the(bathroom) while saying let me love you(song) i hope i eplained it well so u will get it .it gets to be really funny. Hope u have a great birthday!
Posted by Nevaeh; updated 05/03/05


Thank you so much for the help i love the ideas :)
Posted by Rose; updated 05/03/05