I Like My Bestfriend
I have a crush on my best male friend, but iI`m not sure if he likes me back. I mean, when we first met, we were just friends, but as time progressed, I started liking him and it seemed as though he liked me too. Everyday in band prsctice it felt like he was staring at me, but when I looked his way he wasn`t. Now, it seems like he`s starting to ignore me, and I don`t know what to do. PLEASE HELP! HOW DO I KNOW IF HE LIKES ME?
Posted by Ms.Pooh; updated 04/18/05
If he is starting to ingnore you this can strongly mean he likes you but afried that you would only see him as a freind, and he doesn`t want to mess up the friendship so it won`t feel weird. He ingnores you to not screw with the friendship, now all you have to do is give hits here and there.
Posted by J to da A; updated 04/19/05