25% Discount On Wedding Invitations

All of our wedding invitations are discounted 25%. We have invitations to fit your wedding`s style, theme, and budget. If you need help selecting your invitations, feel free to contact us and we will help you find exactly what you are looking for!

We have invitations from the top 3 invitation companies, including Carlson Craft, Birchcraft, and Regency.

All of our invitations are professionally printed with raised, thermographic ink. Prices include your choice of font style, verse, and an on-line digital proof of your invitation.

-Pocketfold Invitations
-Handmade Paper
-Modern Styles
-Destination Weddings
-Disney Cinderella
-Precious Moments
-Traditional Invitations
-Informal and Formal styles

Feel free to email us at info@daisy-days.com if you have any questions. Thank you!

Visit our page for more info: Daisy Days

Posted by Sarah; updated 04/06/05