Quinceanera Padrinos

My quince is in November 23rd. I have a list of thing a padrino should bring like a bible and thing like that. Can anyone send me and e-mail or reply to this with a list of what a padrino should bring. GOOD LUCK!
:) Norma (:
Posted by Norma; updated 04/21/02


The main Padrino`s are the ones who baptized you, they should be the one`s who give you your medalla and pay the church fee.
Padrinos de anillo (ring)
Padrinos de esclava (bracelet)
Padrinos de muneca (doll)
All the other Padrinos are just associated with the party event example;
Padrinos de pastel (cake)
Padrinos de limosina (limosine)
Ect.... I hope your quinceanera is a memorable one!
Posted by Yolanda; updated 04/22/02


How many padrinos are there/ And what do they pay for. I need help oraganizing my quinceanera if you know how to do that please e-mail me.
Posted by Jessy; updated 06/27/02


Whats up! anyways, i`ll gove you a list of the padrinos. I had all these.
De honor
Ramo natural
Ramo artificial
Arreglos de iglesia
Arreglos de salon
Recuerdos de mesa
Foto y video
I hope all these people, anyways, if I missed anything, tell me and also, if you want people to be willing to do do this, try to get 2 or more couples for the expensive things so they won`t spend that much!
Posted by la flaka; updated 06/27/02


P.s. I forgot padrinos of
Libro de firmas
Posted by la flaka; updated 06/28/02


Thanks for everything it really helped me. Love Norma
Posted by Norma; updated 06/28/02


You`re welcome
Posted by la flaka; updated 06/29/02


How many padrinos do u usely need ?
Posted by gabriela; updated 01/13/03


My daughter`s 15 is in May of 2008. We researched for her Quinceanera and have decided to have the padrinos that are "MORE" traditional ones. Her padrinos are as follows: Tiara, Scepter, Ear Rings, Cross or Medal, Bible and Rosary, Bracelet, Last Doll and the God Parents of Honor are the Church. I hope this will help you. Good-Luck and God Bless.
Annie Escalera
Posted by ANNIE; updated 03/24/08


Wow, what a shame. Doesn`t anyone pay for their own daughters party anymore? people who ask for padrinos of everything should be ashamed of themselves!! the main ones are the velacion, medalla, ramo and thats it!!! obviously the party is more important than the church, cause the church doesn`t ask for limo, champagne, libro de firmas!! r u kidding me!!! SHAME ON U PARENTS!!!
Posted by lv; updated 05/20/10


LV, WTF are you talking about? Rich people do it all the time! it`s called sponsors and fund raisers! I bet if a coporate america event was going on, you would dish out $1,000 bucks to help out! But NO, not your sobrina! because to you it`s inethical or what not!

Let them get whatever sponsors (padrinos) they need for their event! I don`t mind helping family... I`m not selfish like that!

Oh, and the church is just another form of a business gathering funds for their services too!
Posted by LR; updated 06/01/10


Haha, crack me up, actually i`ve been a "godparent" to many an event, and when its family and when its a legitimate "padrino" item i am more than happy to dish out the money needed, trust me i`ve spent a fortune on it, im talking about the extras, hummer limo, salon, etc.. Those are luxuries, the true meaning of the event is religious to most of us, and no the church much to ur dismay isn`t in it for the money, but hey if u have money for drinks and party favors that people are going to throw away, then u have money for hte church who helps the community. But whatever u must be a party vendor from ur reaction.
Posted by lv; updated 06/01/10


LMAO! no... Not a party vendor, just a person with the grasp of reality and understanding of what our children want... Not sure if you ever had a quince or what not! But I do remember how it is to be young and all the stuff these young ladies want!

This is the one event that these little girls have a chance to shine on their own, besides their wedding... Why not let them be!
Posted by LR; updated 06/01/10


Oh trust me i do let them be..... Any of my family members will tell u i do everythign in my power to please the 15 girl, what i am talking about is the extravagances they ask for isn`t it as meaningful a backyard party which the parents could afford with all the love they have to hummer limos`, etc. Which is a "show off" item that most people can`t afford? isn`t the 15 girl what makes it a memorable party? her happiness and gratitude? not the materialism it has become thanks to the "bridal shop`s" that push all that unnecessary extras on hte poor financially strapped parents and family? now if u have millions and can afford, by all means give ur daughter that party, im talking about those that don`t yet indebt themselves for it and are asking for what i consider "handouts".
Posted by lv; updated 06/01/10


I have to agree!!! I think that a sponsor is fine but not for little stuff such as a Libro de Firma, I am making my daughters 15era myself and i am a singel mother and i am trying to get the least padrinos possible if my family wants to help I would greatly appriciate it a 15era is like a wedding it is expensive.
Posted by Elizabeth; updated 06/28/10


Good For you!! and you know something, ur daughter will appreciate and love you more because she knows the sacrifices your are making to have her this party. God Bless you and your Daughter!!
Posted by lv; updated 07/06/10


Thank you. I know that a lot of hispanic or latinos families help each other out want to be a sponsor I mean there more than welcome but I will not ask... I hope that my daughter will appriciate it because its as expensive as a wedding and I dont even do that for myself
Posted by Elizabeth; updated 07/06/10


I had my daughter`s quince and my husband and I paid for all the imoortant things and the most costly.She had Padrinos for Bible & Rosary,Last doll,Tiara,Ring and bracelet.We had her pick these people very carefully so that the true meaning would be there for her.The eldest person in our family and practicing catholic bought her bible and Rosary, we made a day out of it and went to her mission parrish store to pick it out with her. This day my daughter will never forget with her great aunt my father`s sister.Our sons paid for the Marachis and cake but this is something they asked to contribute as she is much younger than them and they asked if they could do it.Just some ideas have a great party small or big God bless!!!
Posted by Anna; updated 08/24/11


I had my daughter`s quince and my husband and I paid for all the imoortant things and the most costly.She had Padrinos for Bible & Rosary,Last doll,Tiara,Ring and bracelet.We had her pick these people very carefully so that the true meaning would be there for her.The eldest person in our family and practicing catholic bought her bible and Rosary, we made a day out of it and went to her mission parrish store to pick it out with her. This day my daughter will never forget with her great aunt my father`s sister.Our sons paid for the Marachis and cake but this is something they asked to contribute as she is much younger than them and they asked if they could do it.Just some ideas have a great party small or big God bless!!!
Posted by Anna; updated 08/24/11


Good for you to make sure u instill in ur daughter the true importance of the religious aspect of her party. And of course its ok to let ur sons help out...its as much for u and them and of course ur daughter who will remember the special mariachi music her bro`s gave her...god bless!!!
Posted by lv; updated 08/24/11


Idk if you want to include regalo sorpresa,15 rosas,salon,cristo,copas de honor,ultima muneca,album de foto
This are something my family include to i dont know if you would like to add them
Posted by izabel; updated 02/18/12


For people`s info , "VELACION" is for weddings ONLY!!! N it`s a tradition to get padrinos for the basic things now if they wanna get other stuff the people that they ask have a choice of say YES OR NO ... Their not obligated!!!!
Posted by Me; updated 08/01/12