My Quinceneara
Hi! I`m Angela! I`m having a quinceneara next year in May 2003. I need LOTS of help planning the theme, getting the music, refreshments, and other stuff. I only know a little about it all, and I`m open to ALL ideas! If anyone can PLEASE help me, please e-mail me at Sa***
Posted by Angela; updated 04/19/02
Please people! i need help with this!
Posted by angela; updated 04/22/02
I am doing a report on Quinceneara and I was wondering if you could give me some information about what it is exatly? if you would do that i would greatly appreciate it. If you e-mail me back do it before 10-5. Thank you... When you send it(if you send it) just put who its is from in the status message.... Thanx alot!!!
P.s.- my e-mail address is:
Thanx again
Posted by wade; updated 10/03/02
Hey i had An quinceneara last summer on June 15th 2002 if you need any advice or help i`ll be glad to help you. If you need any help. For mine i had a balloon arch when i walked in! it looked really cool
Posted by Steph; updated 11/07/02
Steph could you help me! my quinceanera is in less than two years.
Posted by Alejandra; updated 11/12/02
I have helped plan many quinces, let me know what your theme is, what colors, how many ppl are in it, and where it is, and when it is.. Information like that and I may be able to help. A********
Posted by Alexandra; updated 11/18/02
I`m havin` a 15nera on sat.1/3/04 I was wondering if you could tell me how 2 make a balloon arch at mine I want alot of balloon
Posted by Angela Garza; updated 03/04/03