Hire A Henna Artist/Fortuneteller NYC Area
Hire a henna artist from the Painted Gypsy.
We do bar and Bat Mitzvahs - beautiful designs from all
Over the world with skilled psychics and artists available.
We do beautiful work and have done hundreds of events.
We also have body paints and airbrush artists,
Caracaturists and Remaissance singers, and comedians
For all your events. We can help you plan a party too.
Posted by Kim Catano; updated 03/31/05
I live in NYC, and I am having a birthday party, and I am interested in having a henna artist come for a couple hours.
How much do you charge for this?
Elsa Hardy
Posted by Elsa Hardy; updated 09/01/05
Please e-mail me at vkcatano@earthlink.net to discuss pricing.
Henna art makes any party a blast.!
Kim Catano
The Painted Gypsy
Posted by Kim; updated 09/02/05