What`s Are Your Favorite Sites?

Hi...I am trying to get a head start on my wedding next year and was wondering what are the best sites to help me plan. From finding a caterer, to finding a band, the whole works. If you had a good experience with an online planner (or a bad one) please share. You input is appreciated. (Please scale from 1-5, 5 being highest)...Thank You
Posted by EarlyBird; updated 04/16/02


I found www.ultimatewedding.com to be really helpful along with this site...I`d give them both a 4 to 5. Also you should try a search engine. I`ve found www.teoma.com to be great for doing research like this. Just type in the subject and it will give you a number of sites that will be able to help you out. Good luck and congratulatons!
Posted by Hapygurl; updated 04/17/02


I`d have to agree with Hapygurl, www.ultimatewedding.com has been helpful. I`d give it a 5. Also, www.theknot.com is very good...4.
Also, I`ve found a lot of regional wedding sites much more helpful for me. I live in the South (www.southernbride.com and www.weddingssouthlouisianastyle.com). I found these through a search engine.

Good luck :)
Posted by NolaBride03; updated 04/17/02


For supplies its got to be www.cateringsupplies.com

Visit our page for more info: Catering Supplies
Posted by Rico; updated 04/19/02


Thanks for all your input...Those sites were really helpful. Plus, I found a bunch of other great sites on Teoma.com. This definately put me ahead schedule. Thanks again!
Posted by EarlyBird; updated 05/01/02


I guess it`s http://www.messengerstyle.com/
Posted by froggy; updated 07/23/05