17th Birthday Boy/Girl Sleepover (ideas Plz!)

I am turning 17 in 4 days. I am taking 9 of my friends (boys and girls) out to dinner. It is a dinner date party. Afterwards, I am having a boy/girl sleepover.I really need good ideas of what to do to keep my guests entertained! Please help me with this! Remember i am turning 17 not 12. So it is much harder to have something fun for my guests. Thank you!
Posted by Brooke; updated 03/22/05


I am having my 13th bday party 2morrow and i am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I planned a silly string fight outside. I know it sounds babyish but it`ll be fun! Trust me!!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted by Kathy; updated 04/29/05


Ok if you`re turning 17 u shouldn`t have a boy- girl sleepover. All the guys will wanna go is knock up the chicks. And you`re 17?! a sleepover"?! y not go paintballing or something?
Posted by Amy; updated 05/07/05


For my seventeenth, we rented a party bus and went to a nice restaurant to eat. After, we rented a house at the local bluff and watched movies, star-gazed (which is GREAT if your crush is gonna be there ;]), set up a photo booth (using my mac computer). My friends still talk about it a year later! :) Lots of fun, and many memories made! :)
Posted by emayci; updated 02/23/11