I Need A Lot Of Help
I like this guy and we flirt a lot, we even made out once on my sweet sixteen, my one friend likes him but he does not like her back, i am friends with his girlfriend and i dont want to mess that up , i once heard they were breaking up but i quess not. I really like him and i have feelings for him, when his girlfriend leaves his house we flirt a whole lot what should i do and does he really like me?
Posted by whitney; updated 03/21/05
Witney you say you don`t want to mess it up for them but you already are and your stabing your friend in the back. Also the truth will sooner or later come to light.
Remember if his cheating on that on girl with you he probably will do the same with you if you ever get together. And he doesn`t even have the guts to dump her and be with you if he really likes you!!
Posted by J to da A; updated 03/22/05