In Need Of A Dress!!!!

I`m desperate for a prom dress--- does anyone know where I could find a dress that is less than $150 (used or new) somewhere in California? (a small size) Thanks!
Posted by Jamie; updated 03/20/05


Go online to a search and type in cheap prom gowns. I cannot name the store but they have so many nice prom gowns and in the plus size. The gowns start off at $50 (includes a wrap) and go up as high as $200. You will love the gowns that are on there. I got my daughter`s friends sweet 16 gown from there. They are really nice.
Posted by Mika; updated 03/23/05



Have you tried JC Penney, they have really nice dresses - check it out online.

Best of Luck

Visit our page for more info: A Bridal Cafe`

Posted by Christine; updated 03/25/05


I have a few dresses that I will never wear....ranging from Cindarella style to form fitting....I`m a size 5 with a large bust, let me know if you are interested.
Posted by Virginia; updated 04/19/05


I have 2 dresses that I wore once for prom. One is pastel green (paid 150.00 at windsor) and the other is antique gold w/gold rinestones (paid 340.00) I am a size 1-3 I will be willing to sell them for 50.00 ea.
E-mail me for pictures at
I live in the LA area.
Posted by ivette; updated 04/28/05