Center Pieces For Quinceanera
I want to get some non expensive ideas for my daugther`s quinceanera, especialy center pieces
Posted by Luz; updated 03/19/05
What is your daughter`s theme?
Posted by martha; updated 03/19/05
That is one of the things we are looking for also. We dont have a theme yet.
Posted by Luz; updated 03/20/05
In my opinion, you should not spend too much on Centerpieces. Not that it is a waste of money, it is not the main decorations of the place. People will be dancing, eating and talking and the centerpiece should not have a smell to overlap the smell of the food. When eating, your taste buds want to be tempted by the food. I have noticed from going to many weddings, that when a person uses fresh flowers and they are fresh cut, the smell is sometime absolutely over powering, then you have the smell of perfumes and food. If it is a large room (able to hold 500 people but you are only having 150) then fresh flowers is great because you can spread them out. For a Quinceanera, I had an idea to help out a friend`s daughter. We went to the dollar store and found beautiful silver frames with rhinestone flowers on the corners. They had all colors so we purchased 20 of the blue ones to match her color theme (she had no theme so it was easy to shop). We put pictures of her in each frame. I made a base of flowers to put around each picture and a votive candle in front to make it give a glow to the picture. On the back of each votive candle was a sticker with the seat number printed on it and the person in that seat, got the picture. What I told her was to have formal pictures of her in her gown taken at least 2 months ahead of the ceremony. Each pictures was different and they were talked about all night. Since we had the pictures printed from a drug store, each centerpiece cost $3 to have on the tables. Another lady I helped out wanted doll centerpieces dressed in the gowns that her daughter was wearing. (her post is on here... Paula). I helped her with the beading on one gown and she was able to do the others herself. I don`t mind helping people but I have my daughters Sweet 16 to finish so I was not able to do all of her gowns. Choose Barbie dolls that are not expensive such as the Theresa dolls dressed in bathing suits cost $3. Simplicity has princess gown patterns that you can make to look like your daughters gown. It is easy to do if you have time. You need to give yourself at least 2 weeks per gown to have them done right. My daughter`s centerpiece dolls (only on the head table) will be holding a wallet size picture of her in their hands and I even found doll tiaras online and jewelry to match. When you figure out something that you would like to see on the table, put another posting here with your idea and we can build from there.
Posted by Mika; updated 03/21/05