What Do I Do?

Okay, my mother bought me a wedding dress for Christmas, and I was happy about that because I didn`t think I would be able to afford one. Then, we got it (she bought it on ebay) Though it is a pretty dress, I don`t particularly like it. I didn`t have the heart to tell my mother so I went about finding myself a dress that I did like. Now I have my dream dress and I wouldn`t trade it for the world but I am at a loss for how to tell my mother. I don`t want to seem ungrateful because I`m not. I know that she did it with the best intentions.I just feel like every bride should feel like a queen on their wedding day and I didn`t want to walk down the asile in her dress just to make her happy when it made me feel ugly. Any suggestions on how I should tell her?
Posted by Rachel; updated 03/19/05


Hi Rachel, WOW you have a good reason to ask, "What do I Do?"!!! When I don`t know what to do, I say, "compromise". Have you ever seen "Pretty in Pink" with Molly Ringwald? Find a seamstress and find/design a way to take the 2 dresses and combine them into one. OR, wear one at your reception, the other one at the ceremony! Let us know what you end up doing! When is the ceremony?
Posted by Julie; updated 03/20/05


Well, I definately don`t want to have a seamstress cut up my perfect dress and mix it with the other one and i certainly don`t want to wear the one she bought because not only do I really hate the dress but its way too big and I don`t have the money to fix it... I did tell my mother today though and even though she was a little sad, she said that she would much rather me wear the dress that made me feel the best... She was only out $80 from the dress she bought so she didn`t see it as a huge loss.. Plus after she saw me in my dress she agreed that it was better on me than the other one... So everything worked out pretty well... Thanks for writing though i appreciate it...
Posted by rachel; updated 03/20/05