My Quinceanera
Hey whats up everyone well for my 15 i`am going to have 14 chambelanes cause with me is 15 right well plus my chambelan de onor but i`am going to dance one baile sorpresa with 7 and another baile sorpresa with the other 7 is that cool or no
Posted by Jasmine; updated 03/09/05
That is so cool iam having 14 guys and 14 girls you think that is to much y de donde eres?
Posted by Erika Gomez; updated 03/10/05
Hey Jasmine that is very cool that your gonna dance w/ 7 then after that the other 7! For my 15nera I` m having 7 chambelanes. When`s your party? What color is your dress gonna be?
Posted by Brenda; updated 03/10/05