Teenage Party

I am having a 14th birthday in 2 1/2 weeks. I want to have a sleepover with around six girls, but I have no clue what to do! Please help me come up with games to play or some pre-party get-together! thanx
Posted by ~*Christina*~; updated 02/28/05


I`ve had sleepovers in the past and a really fun game is -have everyone bring a sleeping bag and then everyone sets up there sleeping bags and one person goes out of the room and everyone goes in a different sleeping bag then the person comes back into the room and has to try to guess whos in which sleeping bag i`ve had many experiences of this and they are really fun
Posted by Nicole; updated 03/02/05


Hey im having my 14th birthday party in 4 days and im having my 4 closest friends over for a sleepover!!!!
They are coming at 6.30 and then we will have a sit down dinner i know it sounds gay but i am decorating the table all in pink! pink table cloth, pink cups, pink lemonade pink name cards everything pink!!! and i have made a menu with all the food names off my friends or jokes we have and filled the menu with photos of us together!! then i have decorated my room with colours and have balloons everywhere! hopefully you use some of my ideas!! have a great party and a nice birthday!!
Posted by Clare; updated 06/26/05


You all need a THEME! Having a theme doesn`t mean you have to play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.... It means picking something as simple as two colors you like, something you love (movie, music, stuffed animal, celebrity) and creating a party atmosphere around that.

And having "games" to play is important to keep your guests entertained (and if you are like my daughter, out of trouble - bored guests can lead to activities that the old folks won`t appreciate). Make jewelry. Make spa products. Go on a scavenger hunt or ramble (one clue leads to the next till the end). Everyone drops something they did in the past year in the hat and then pull them out and try to pick who did what.

Check out my website for other themes I have used in the past. I can offer event consultation services or party-to-go packages if you are not in my area. Www.brbparties.com

Visit our page for more info: Big Red Boat Parties

Posted by Joni Brennan; updated 08/01/05


Hiya, if you like scary movies and scary stuff then i will tell you a very scary game called the wigi board and you talk to spirits and to make it even more scary watch a scary movie before playing it. You will need to buy the game out a shop but if there is someone you realy hate that you know then pretend to be freinds with them and plan a sleepover at her house and bring the wigi board and it will haunt her house hahahhahaha.
She will see ghosts for the whole of her life lolol
Posted by Katie; updated 11/19/05


Hey Ladies! This would be my advice to you all. Make sure that you have a nice open area (a backyard works fine) and put on some music. Let all of your friends dance for an hour or so and have fun. That should wear them out a little bit. Then go inside, play some games, and watch movies while eating popcorn. Remember that when you are watching the movie it should be concidered quiet down time. That way the friends that want to go to sleep can and the ones that want to watch another movie or talk quietly can do that too! Hope this helps with your major party! Kel
Posted by Kelly; updated 07/11/06


How about wigi boards it is fun or how about a quiigi board there fun.....
Posted by bob; updated 07/17/06


Hey mum said i can have a party with girls and guys.she said we can get pizza and movies but wat else can we do we are 14 and its really had for mi friends not to get bored.
Love george
Posted by Georgie; updated 08/19/06


Well at my party i had a hawwin theme every time someone would come in the door i wold lay them with a flower necles we kareoked and dacend there were probally 30 girl staying all nite and one boy but he just stayed till3 we stayed at our comminty building for more room
Posted by kelsie; updated 08/31/07