Apply For Your DREAM Wedding! ABC Is Casting

The ABC Network brings you a heartfelt, new show: Extreme Makeover: Wedding Edition.

Are you a COUPLE that is TRULY IN LOVE and whose LOVE STORY would make TOUCHING PRIMETIME TV?

We are seeking strong, loving couples that have survived tremendous odds, or are still facing an uphill battle in their life.

Do you or someone you know have an amazing love story to tell? Has your love conquered all? Have you recently been reunited with your long lost love?

Extreme Makeover: Wedding Edition will fulfill the wedding dreams of deserving couples that desperately want to get married.

If you or someone you know deserve the wedding of a lifetime, please send an email to with the name, contact info, and why the couples wedding dreams should be fulfilled (please include pictures if possible.) Once we receive your email, someone from the casting department will contact you ASAP.

We are wrapping up our casting process and would love to hear from you as soon as possible!
Posted by ourania; updated 02/28/05


My fiance` made it through a terrible car accident which brought us closer together. He wasn`t going to make it so the doctor`s said, but he is here now and we will show how great our love is on July 7,2007. If we made it through that we can make it through anything.
Posted by Alisha W.; updated 04/25/06


I sent a separate e-mail to this address and would like to know if it was received or do I need to send another one through this thread. Thank you.
Posted by Rita; updated 08/16/06


Meout and my husband got married oct 8th 2009 in my bishops office we were and still are homless and we would love to have real wedding my dream wedding that i always dreamed about as a little girl we just are starting over and need a fresh start and getting the wedding we deserve would be a great start! thank you for your time we are a family of 3 my son is 7
Posted by amy garza; updated 07/03/10


Me and timmy my husband never gotn a wedding weve through alot together from my 7 year old boy being raped to being evicted to loosing housing from my drug we juaddition to rehab and jail and insttuts and we live in a camper trailer at my dads house we pay 200.00 for but we made it this far we just want a e any ncome and hard trying to finm wedding and a real honeymoon that we never got we just constmated our marriage we like to have 2 more kids but we are poor we dont have an income and being a felon hurts no jobs no apartments we need lil house to grow our family but im more in love with my husband each day we still write each other love letters i want to grow old with timmy thanks for your time love amy garza
Posted by amy garza; updated 07/05/10