What To Include With The Bar Mitzvah Invitati
My son`s Bar Mitzvah is on a Saturday. I would like to have an "out-of-towner`s" dinner on Friday night. Should I include a seperate dinner invitation and RSVP card with the Bar Mitzvah invitation to invite the out of town guests to the dinner? Or is there another way to invite them and get the RSVP`s in time to make reservations at a restaurant? Thanks for your help!
Posted by Marlo; updated 02/23/05
You can include a seperate invite for your Friday night dinner in with the invite. Make it simple on a matching card stock to your invite. You could give the option of an e-mail address or phone number for an RSVP to the dinner, or ask them to include it in with their reply to the the event(s) on Saturday.
How are you sending out the hotel info? If you are sending that out seperately then include the invite in with that.
There is no right or wrong way to do it. Mazol Tov!
Posted by Heidi; updated 02/23/05