16th Birthday Party Ideas Desperately Needed

Help my birthday is in April and I am at a loss as to what to do. I live in Boston and my parents haven`t set a strict budget however, there is still a limit (few hundred max). Anyone have experience with any certain venues or have been to any parties in the area that have been fun? If you don`t live in Boston, thats fine too! Just give me any suggestions you have. Please some good ideas, and don`t spam with stupid posts. I know its 2 months away, but if I need to book anything, it has to be soon. THANKS!
Posted by Abby; updated 02/22/05


Hi its still me...
I forgot to add I want it to be somethng semi formal, so we can dress up fun and formal, but still a little funky and sexy. Does that confuse you? I am not very good at explaining things. Something unique basically.
Posted by Abby; updated 02/22/05


I have been planing mine for a while now and here are a few of my ideas
-you could have a party where everyone dresses up as there favorite cartoon movie character (ex:snow white, alice, cinderella, not like spongebob)
-you could do a black and white ball so you get to dress formal
-you could have an 80`s theme and dress all crazy
- or you could to like the oscars and make up awards and have a fake red carpet and fake awards and when people walk in they vote on ballats you make
Posted by christina; updated 03/09/05


Thats not unique stupid. I need something hott and i am running out of time.
Posted by AL; updated 03/10/05


Im not the stupid one you are, dont diss on my ideas when you werent smart enogh to start planning till now, mabye you should have thought about it before, im the only one nice enough to give you an idea and i guess i shouldnt have, no one is probably even come to your birthday since you waited so long i hope they dont come because you are stupid and rude
Posted by christina; updated 03/10/05


"i hope they dont come" ahahah ouch burn doubley burn. That hurts man. Wow you sound like you are five years old. Fyi my opinion shouldnt matter to you as you dont even know me. I have been planning for a while and came here looking for some unique ideas. What you gave me wasnt it. You didnt have to get all fussy about it.
Posted by AL; updated 03/11/05


Christina - - -
AL was looking for "unique ideas" which s/he stated quite clearly. Although your ideas may be more suitable for parties celebrating a 9th or 10th birthday, 16 is monumental. AL also only stated one, might I add not very abrasive, remark about you. You needn`t lash out at her/him. AL, I am afraid I cannot offer you many unique ideas, however I heard "The Bustonian" is quite fun. Just google it, its a party bus - good for you and your friends. As for you Christina, mind your manners.
Posted by Jane; updated 03/11/05