
Hey I really need help girls my quice is is July 2, 2005 and I dont have nothing planed out yet first of all do you girls think that I still have time well plase email me at baby_girl_123_4@yahoo.com Thanks Bye!
Posted by Norma; updated 02/20/05


Congrats on your big day Saturday i hope everything goes good for you make sure you email me back to tell me how it went okay!!!laters....Maria.....Ladypimp6969MG@yahoo.com
Posted by Maria Garcia; updated 06/28/05


My quinceanera was in Mexico so I told my uncle to find me a chambelan since I wasnt going to be able to find one myself do to short time and he did but he told me that I wasnt going to meet my chambelan until the day of my quinceanera and when the day finally got here I met him and I thought he was so cute so we ended up being boyfriends but unfortunatlly I had to come back. But I had lots of fun while it lasted.
Posted by Norma; updated 07/19/05


Anyone here having a QuinceaƱera or Sweet 16 check out this new website: www.My15Birthday.com Tell your friends!
Posted by Patty; updated 07/19/05