I Need Some Help/Advice

Hey well im from Chula Vista, Ca and my quince is coming up on April 9 2005 well i had all the flower arrangements and stuff for the tables figured out till i went to my bestfriends quince and i found out that she had the same ones and not only that we have the same church i dont wanna seem like im copying her and all but i really liked the arrangments. When i told her that thhey were the same ones i was gonna have she kinda looked at me weird i dunno if i should go ahead and have them what do u guys think??
Posted by Ariana; updated 02/14/05


Hey girl I think that you should go ahead and do what you were going to do it doesn`t matter if you copy her because she didn`t invented she copied it from someone else so therefore you could do the same thing ok well you can eamil me at baby_girl_123_4@yahoo.com ok well I seeu later Bye!
Posted by Norma; updated 02/20/05


Hey chick i think you should use the arrangements if you truly like them, but just make them a lil different with your special touch. Well i hope i helped you out!!

Luv always,
Crystal anne
Posted by Crystal; updated 02/20/05


Thanks i am gonna do that well ill tell everyone how my quince turned out
Posted by Ariana; updated 02/20/05


Dose anybody know the song where it just whisiling an it sounds good. Or does anybody know a good song for a SURPISE VALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP? ADVICE
Posted by jacky; updated 02/21/05