Hey peole...i need a lot of help.
First of all my quineanera is going to be christian and i have no idea how everything is in the ceremony and the recepcion.
Second of all i cant seem to find any cheap but pretty dama dresses.does anyone know any stores that sell dresses
Third of all i have no idea how to decoate the hall or anything
I wan to have a beautiful quince but im the frist one in my family that is going to have one and i dont have any unique and elgent ideas
I dont even know what songs to play....
If someone could be kind enough to help me with anything i would appreciate it alot...thanks!
Posted by Marisol; updated 02/10/05
Hey i kinda get you on your dama thing im Catholic so i wouldnt really be able to relate to you there but depending on were you live there should be like small shops around hmm is there a swap meet around were you live they usually have pretty dresses there and there cheap. I had to have the Damas dresses made cuz i couldnt match the color well hope i helped
Posted by Ariana; updated 02/10/05
We have some beautiful quinceanera invitations available on our website. They come in a variety of styles, colors, and themes. We even have the latest modern styles, Cinderella, and Precious Moments available. Our invitations can be printed in English or Spanish, and we have Christian verses available for your wording.
For more information, go to - "Special Occasion Invitations"
If you have any questions, or to receive a 20% discount, please email me at
Visit our page for more info: Daisy Days
Posted by Sarah; updated 02/11/05