My Quinceañera Pixz

Hey everyone I just had my 15 on Dec. 25. I had it in Mexico and I had lots of fun. If anyone wants to see my pix let me know and leave me your email adress and I will send them to you!
Posted by *Erika*; updated 02/08/05


Would like to see your pictures...thanks
Posted by AnnaMaria; updated 02/08/05


Hey i want to look at all the pics i can so i can get ideas for my 15 so can you send me your pics please?
Also, to anyone who reads this and i haven`t asked for your pics yet can you send them to me?
Posted by Stephanie; updated 02/10/05


Can u send me your pictures too, please, my email address is
Posted by ********; updated 02/19/05


Hey my name is Brenda and i`m about to turn 15 but my mom gave me the choice if i want my 15 party or a car and i thought if i saw pic. Of urs and since u said u had fun i wanted to c how mine would b if i have one. It would really mean alot to me thankx.
Posted by Brenda; updated 02/19/05


Hi I`d Really like to see your pics because my quince is in july and i too and having it in mexico my email id thanx.
Posted by Maria; updated 02/19/05


Hey wats up!! Im having my 15 soon and i need to pick
A color and Im not sure which one i want send me ur pixs so i can see the color you picked my e-mail is
Posted by Bere; updated 07/26/07


Hey! my quince is goin to be next year and i really want to get some ideas from other people. So if u dont mind send the pixz to
Vanessa Morales
Posted by vanessa; updated 08/30/07