Bridal Party/Best Man


Is there a web site that explains to the Best Man and the attendants what their responsiblities are?
I feel like like nobody in our wedding party is willing to go the extra mile and cooperate. HELP!
Posted by Mary; updated 02/04/05


Other than planning the bachelor party and standing up for the groom, the best man doesn`t have any other official duties.
Posted by goodygirl; updated 02/04/05


Maid or Matron of Honor
*Help select the wedding gown and the bridesmaids dresses
*Host the Bridal Shower (with help from the bridesmaids)
*Walk down the aisle before the bride
*Hold the bouquet during vows
*Hold the groom`s ring
*Witness the signing of the certificate

Best Man
*Organize the bachelor party
*Stand next to the groom at the altar
*Hold the bride`s ring
*Give the payment to the officiant
*Witness the signing of the certificate
*Offer the first toast at the reception

*Co-host the Bridal Shower
*Assist the bride, for example help address invitations or decorate the reception site
*Precede the bride down the aisle

Ushers or Groomsmen (one usher for every 50 guests)
*Help with the bachelor party
*Greet and seat guests at the wedding
*Escort bridesmaids down the aisle after the ceremony
*Direct guests to the reception site

The Bride`s Mother
*Helps compile guest list
*Assists with ceremony and reception details
*Informs the groom`s mother of her wedding attire so that their dresses are similar in length and style
*Sits in very first pew behind the bride
*Is the last to be seated, and the first to be escorted out of the church after the ceremony

The Bride`s Father
*Rides with the bride to the church
*Escorts the bride down the aisle
*Sits in very first pew behind the bride
*Dances the second dance with the bride at the reception
*May make a toast at the reception

Ring Bearer
Traditionally a boy aged 3 to 8 years old acts as the ring bearer and precedes the bride down the aisle carrying the rings or a facsimile on a cushion.

Flower Girl
The ring bearer walks with or precedes the flower girl, also aged 3 to 8, who carries a basket of flowers, a single stem, or a bouquet of flowers.

Roles for Family and Friends
There are many ways to include a special friend or relative in your wedding.

During the Ceremony
*Light candles
*Sing as part of the ceremony
*Read a passage
*Hand out programs

At the Reception
*Pour coffee
*Serve cake
*Greet guests
*Attend to the guest book
Posted by Mika; updated 02/04/05