What Is The Real Meaning Of The Quincenera?

I need to know what the history is the significance of it all and i need to know before monday 2-7-05
It`s for a school project and i have no idea what i`m doing!!
Help emergency
Posted by ashley; updated 02/02/05


A Quinceañera is a big event in a fifteen year old girl`s life. It is a special occasion acknowledging when a girl becomes a woman. Quinceañera is a long-established celebration all over the world. The beginnings of Quinceañera go back to the combining of Christianity, the Aztec religion and lifestyle when the Spanish conquered the Aztec Indians in the 1500`s. It is still popular amongst the Hispanics in Mexico, the United States, South America and in other Spanish-speaking countries. The Quinceañera celebrates one of the most important stages in a young Latina`s life, so planning and choosing the right place for this wonderful event is a must. This special celebration uniting family and friends deserves the utmost attention to detail.
In the Latin community, the Quinceañera is a significant celebration due to its history of almost instant "conversion" from childhood to womanhood in the eyes of society. Traditionally following the ceremony for the quinceañera, a young woman was eligible for more responsibilities such as work, volunteerism or marriage. The word "Quinceañera" comes from the Spanish words "quince" for fifteen and "años", which means "years". Although every culture has certain rites of passage, the Hispanic community especially values the Quinceañera celebration because traditionally it represented her commitment to the church as well as her segue into adulthood. Some believe that the tradition of the Quinceañera dates back to the Aztec period when women were brought up exclusively for bearing children and obeying their husband. They were taught such skills for survival and maintaining a home as cooking, weaving and housework. Most of these girls married by the age of 15 or 16 and were considered the society experts in domestic endeavors. Those girls belonging to wealthy families were sent to a temple or school to be trained as priestesses prior to marriage. When the Spanish conquered the Aztecs in 1521 and both native and catholic traditions came together, the age of 15 became a time of decision for young women. By this time, the Spanish has imposed their religion on the Aztecs and destroyed the Aztec religion and lifestyle. The young quinceañera was required to make a choice: to devote her life to the church or to marry. The blending of the Aztec and Spanish cultures - the knowledge of how to dance and play music were vital skills to the Spanish - and this essence of musical celebration and spirit has continued into today`s time honored Hispanic Quinceañera celebration. Although today`s Quinceañera celebration is still partially religious, it is still seen as a symbolic step of her passage from girlhood into the responsibilities of young adulthood and is always a festive occasion.
In some more traditional families in Mexico, the girl is serenaded by a mariachi band in front of her house the night before her 15th Birthday, followed by a party at her house the next day where guests come celebrate, dance and eat. There are many ways to celebrate a quinceañera. No matter what the style preference is, the celebration generally includes almost all of the following common aspects: a religious ceremony of some sort, a beautiful dress for the quinceañera, a court of young gentlemen to escort her, a large party - formal or informal - lots of family, friends, food, dancing and always a first waltz with her father.
Posted by Rosa; updated 02/02/05