Should I Give It Up To My Boyfriend Of 5 Year
I am really confused my boyfriend of 5 years wants to have sexual relations. But i dont know if i should. I keep wondering and worrying about all the negative things that could happen. What if i get pregnant or a disease. I am so scared. Well actually i am pretty afraid of doing it. Because its gonna be my first time. I need help.
Posted by Ruby aka Benji; updated 01/28/05
How old are you? Think about everything before you do this. You are giving up what is worth billions. This is a gift. Is he worth this gift? Is he taking the time to get to know your body and not just listening with his little head? I am not saying not to have sex if this is what you want, but make sure that this is what you want. Do your homework! Get protected not just from pregnancy on your end (pill, depo etc...) but make sure he still wears a condom to protect you from diseases! Are you both ready for this? If you can`t answer that, then don`t do it! You are worth more than that. When you are ready, you won`t have to ask on a message board. God Bless.
Posted by Marisol; updated 01/28/05
Hey girly well first how old r u? well dont feel like ur the only one i was scared the first time too and im 14 but to tell u da truth if u really like ur boyfriend and u feel safe around him then go 4 it but make sure u wont regret it later but if u do make sure to use a condom 4 ur safety ok take care GOOD LUCK B CAREFUL!luv ya ana and perla
Posted by Perla & Ana; updated 01/31/05
What the hell is wrong with u??? You don`t think about ohh should I lose it 2 ma b/f of 5 years ma b/f says Ohh do you wanna go have sex obviosly I`m gonna say no what the hell are you ppl dong in USA man I just finished reading a story about a girl who think`s she`s pregnant and now u girl thinking of losing it to your boyfriend, look if the guy tells you oh if you love me have sex with well no effence that`s not true love!
A guy who cares about you isn`t going to force you into anything you don`t want to do!
Posted by xaviana; updated 01/31/05
As a teenager you will do what you want no matter what but if you are just having sex to satisfy some boy, then you are nothing more than a kid. You should wait. If you feel that this is too much, then you need to talk to your parents.
Posted by Kendra; updated 02/01/05
This is my opinion, if you`re that afraid and so unsure that you feel you need to ask total strangers, then you aren`t ready... I had sex before I was ready and trust me, I regret it. I think that when you aren`t scared anymore then you`re ready.... If you aren`t comfortable though, then don`t risk it... You may find that you made a mistake if you go for it... And if he loves you, he`ll respect whatever decision you make....
Posted by Rachel; updated 03/14/05
One of my best friends is almost going through the same thing! I could say a million things to you but i will only say 2 words : leave him!
Posted by gabriela; updated 03/17/05