Hey well my 15-anrea is in June 11, 2005 and i cant find a good hall. Im looking 4 one that can fit at least 400 ppl. Also a place were i can get my hair done and do a good job. I also need 2 know how much.
Posted by Jenet; updated 01/26/05
I know you. I know that you live in denver. And that your name is not really jenet, its noemy. I think that you should look at the halls in commer city. Well good luck on your quince.
Posted by ?????????; updated 01/28/05
I need help my quinceanera is going to be in June and I have trouble finiding a dress. I live in Denver, Co and I am looking for a dress that has red incorporated to it. Like for example red flowers or diamonds. But not that exagerated. Where is there a good place that sell dresses for quinceaneras?
Posted by Mimi; updated 02/01/05
Hey it looks like you ladies from denver are the ones looking at this so if you know of some nice halls that you have names, addresses or phone numbers for can you please email me. I`m starting to plan my 15. I also know some photographers you can call so just email me for anything.
P.S. If any of you have had quinceaneras plz email me pix!!
Posted by Stephanie; updated 02/10/05
Mimi why dont you try marys bidal i think thats the name good luck to all of you guys im from Chula vista CA so yeah i wouldnt be able to help you guys in the hall thing. My quince is on April 9.
Posted by Ariana; updated 02/10/05