Getting Married On-Line
Can anyone tell me who I can contact to possibly arrange a wedding with one person in the states and the other stationed in Korea. I recently heard of California passing this law but do not know what steps to take next. Any help would be appreciated.
Posted by Vicki; updated 01/26/05
I`ve heard of it. Its called marriage by proxy. Its mostly for military stationed abroad I would think. Just do a search online and you should find it. Just make sure its legal and what not (I`ve heard of one legal company but there might be other con artists out there). Good luck.
Posted by Lynn; updated 01/26/05
I would go right to the source. Call the state and find out what the regulations are. Just call the state house, tell the operator what infomation you are looking for and she/he will connect you to the approriate department.
Posted by goodygirl; updated 01/29/05