Loooking For A St. Pucchi Dress!
Please, if you have either a new or used dress and wish to sell it, or rent it, please contact me! I need a size 10, 12 or 14 to fit a 37 bust, 28 waist. I am deperate. I live in Hawaii and they don`t sell that line of designer dress here. Please send me an e-mail or call me toll-free at 888-632-6622. Thank you so much! Michelle
Posted by Michelle; updated 01/20/05
If you interested we custom make quite a few pucchi styles, and we`d be happy to ship to your state.
Please email me at
With the style you are interested in, feel free to view our website as well for some pucchi deisgner replicas
Visit our page for more info: Bargain-Bride
Posted by BB; updated 01/20/05