Hello, I am hoping some one can help me. I am planning a quincenera for my daughter and I am in search of a list of items and material things that we need. I have no clue as to what it takes to plan this type of celebration.
Thank you
Posted by Talie; updated 02/20/02
We just held a quinces for my daughter. Email me and I`ll send you my list of details!
I`m also selling some Quinces items at http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1707454353&r=0&t=0&showTutorial=0&ed=1014759984&indexURL=0&rd=1
Posted by Crystal; updated 02/25/02
I am planning a quincenera for my daughter and I am in search of a list of items and material things that we need. I don`t know where to start. Please help.
Thank You.
Posted by Betty; updated 01/22/04