WARNING - Trisha`s Formals/Bridal

Just wanted to stop any of you before making the same mistake I did. I chose a vendor from this site who I thought was very nice and helpful to make an Amsale replica for me....I`ve even taken up for her when there were other bad posts. I don`t know why I didn`t see those as red flags.

In any case, beware of Trisha`s Formals. It is not a trustworty business. I contracted for a gown to be made of silk ziboline. I got quotes from other vendors on this site, but Trisha`s was the only one who said they could actually use silk zibilone. I commend the others for being honest.

I received my gown last week and guess what, it was not in silk ziboline. Not even in silk micado which is similar. Instead it was in silk satin. For those of you who are wondering if there is a difference, yes there is a great difference. Silk ziboline is matte and textured whereas silk satin is smooth and shiny. It makes it a whole different dress.

So I confronted Patty, and you let me show you her reply:
"The name Amsale gives to the silk is a designer trade. You can look up and you will not find this name listed in fabric guides. Mfgs. Go by percentages mainly on silks. This is made of a top grade silk..." She goes on to say that she will not give me a refund because my gown looks almost identical to the original. I think not, the fabric difference is astonishing.

So, I wonder. Why did she promise me that she could do the gown in silk ziboline and even contract to do so? Why didn`t she provide me with the statement above before I contracted with her? I even added into our contract that she would go see the original gown before making it to be sure we got all of the specifications correct. It doesn`t appear now that she did that, nor did she even know what silk ziboline look like.

I think this is a business who will do anything to get your money, even lie about their ability to give you what you contract for.

So ladies, don`t do what I did. I got a negative recommendation from someone about the business but I tried to think the best of Trisha`s and even thought maybe the bride was over reacting. Girls, when it`s your turn and you`ve found your dream dress it`s very disappointing to receive soemthing that is completely wrong and then get refused a refund. Even worse is to have someone you thought was trustworthy lie to you.
Posted by Betsy; updated 01/12/05


People, don`t you read. I have asked you all to put in your credit card disputes. The merchant company I used will have to refund your money. I don`t have your money! I never received your money! Just file the complaints to your credit card companies. I have tried to get the release of funds for a couple months now and they will not release them. They said if I did not ship the dresses they needed something as collateral. Well duh! You can`t order the dresses with out the money. They do not care though, Whether you believe it or not I do care. I lost my business due to this! I lost my dream and have upset so many people. This is not what I intended or set out to do. I would have made a fine living at what I was doing, why in the world would I just give it all up that way?????! Yes to those with the question, there is illness in my family that I am dealing with, but I could have worked from home as I did many days. But I cannot order dresses or refund money when I have not received the funds. I even closed my bank account to be sure that they did not try to deposit they funds, I can`t get your dresses in time and I want to make sure that they still have your funds to refund. Blame me, that is fine, I have come to terms with it. But you have to do your part. FILE THE CREDIT CARD DISPUTES! I can`t help you if you do not file. They will send me a letter and I will let them know I was unable to fill the order so you get your money right away. Keep posting if you like. I know what you think of me and truthfully I would too. But the truth is this company i chose to deal with screwed me and you. Of course I will get the blame not them but if you will file your claims you will get your money back!

Posted by Patty; updated 01/12/05


Actually that isn`t true, if it has been past a certain amount of time some CC won`t get you a refund. Why would this company have the money when the brides did business with you? and if you aren`t to blame why not post this companies contact information, I`m sure you have it all since you did business with them right! And last but not least if one of these brides takes you to court (Which they should, and can!) you will be responsible for the refunds by law since the brides did business and had a contract with YOU, and then it will be up to you to seek out the other company and get your money back from them.
Posted by N; updated 01/12/05


Patty, do you read? You better believe that every one of us is doing everything in our power to get our money back. We HAVE filed credit card disputes, but that takes time that some of us don`t have. The additional avenues that are being taken (contacting police, taking you to court, etc) are as a result of you not letting everyone know that you were closing while they still had orders in and acting the way you do when you come on this site.

My scenario is a little different. I paid you $450 through paypal (and $450 to the yahoo store who you say will not release the funds). You know what you did to me was wrong and you still refuse to even refund me that $450 from the paypal transaction. So please don`t use that excuse with me.

The manner that you`ve dealt with this is disgusting. If you were an honest business owner in the first place, I believe you would still be doing everything you could to help everyone.....or at least not showing this other side of your personality. You`ve left a bunch of brides with no dress, BE NICE, don`t come on here and ask them if they can read. That`s why the police are showing up at your door.
Posted by Betsy; updated 01/12/05



You are lucky that I didn`t order my dress through you, or know anyone that ordered their dress through you. I would have sued your ass for the fun of it! The fact that you have an illness in your family...don`t care! You are lucky that none of these girls are as vicious as I b/c by the end of it, I would have had a class action lawsuit against you with every bride that you had screwed joined together and you would be living in a box by the end of it. I have seen at least 15 girls on here that you have screwed x $1000 a dress x pain and emotional suffering and you would flipping burgers for the rest of your pathetic life, just to make it up to these girls!

Do the right thing and help these girls more than insulting them on here! Contact that company you supposedly deal with and get their money back!

To the girls who have been screwed over by Patty...JOIN ALLIANCES and put a class action suit against the B*@CH!!! She deserves it!
Posted by D; updated 01/12/05


I KNOW! Why in the world would she come on here and be so rude to the people she screwed over. Seriously ladies TAKE HER TO COURT. She is the one legally responsible for your refunds! Not only that but in most cases she will have to pay for the court fees as well, so it will cost you basically nothing, and since you have a contract from her you don’t even really need a lawyer to prove your case.
Posted by N; updated 01/12/05


D- You need to stick your nose where it belongs. You are the B*tch here not me. You have no idea what the deal it so just shut up!

N- Don`t you have a life. You have no idea either. I have told the company I delt with several times on this board charge.com is the company! You come on here calling me a liar! How the h@ll do you know anything? Are you me? Do you have any idea what is going on? No so just stick to things you know!

Betsy- I never received a single thing on the dispute from my website. I have not disputed it. I did dispute the paypal. You go on there wanting your money back saying you did not get the dress. Who is lying now? Sounds to me like you want your money and your dress. You could have sent it back for changes per our contract but you refused. You knew that there was not any refunds on custom gowns. And there has been no police at my door thank you very much. If they do show up I will deal with it then.

As for refunding the money and me getting the money back from the merchant company, how am I suppose to do that when I don`t have the friggin money? I come on here trying to be nice and tell people to chargeback. I could have waited the 12 weeks that you were going to wait for your gowns and then said hey there is not dress and you would not have been able to get your money back at all. That was never my intentions and so I did not do that! I could have filed bankrupcy and screwed everyone, did I do that....NO! That is not my intentions, my intention was to have a successful bridal business then in one quick minute charge.com screwed that all up! Blame me that is fine as I said before, but for those of you not involved and have no life except to judge others that you know nothing about, Keep your noses out of it. Hey, if you can`t even sign your name on your post that tells plenty about you anyway.
Posted by Patty; updated 01/13/05


I NEVER told anyone that I didn`t receive the gown. I`ve told paypay, my credit company, and basically anyone else who would listen that you did not honor our contract by making the gown in the correct fabric. I have not lied. I did however, tell them that I never received the veil you promised. Where is it?

AND, you never offered to do one thing about my gown. However, I did ask for my money back b/c you would have had to remake the gown in the correct fabric, which you told me you DID NOT HAVE in the first place. (which goes back to my question, why did you sign a contract saying that you could do the gown in that fabric) The contract that I signed said absolutely NOTHING about no refunds on custom gowns, nor did you ever mention it to me. You have absolutely no legal ground on that hun.

How dare you say that you`ve come on here and been nice. If what you`ve been doing is "nice" I would certainly hate to see your "mean" side.

Girls you don`t have to worry. I`ve told Patty and I will tell you. I will be taking her to court if the dispute with my credit card does not work. I planned to do that when I was the single person on here with a problem with her. Now that there are at least a dozen other witnesses the case will be even easier.

Girls, I`m collecting names now for those who want to join in. E-mail me at bdcarte@comcast.net if you would like to give this woman what she deserves.
Posted by Betsy; updated 01/13/05


I do KNOW you are scamming brides, anyone can see that, and I do know you are LEGALLY responsible to those brides. What do you know other than how to take people’s money? Wow you talk big on the computer!
Posted by N; updated 01/13/05


WOW you have the audacity to make reference to someone else’s character, that is rich, very rich!
Posted by N; updated 01/13/05


You should take her to court anyways, you know why. You could sue her for not only the money you sent her, but the cost to replace your gown (Maybe the only person you can get one from now is an original in time for your wedding!), and all the other costs this delay has caused you. Did you have a photo session maybe you had to miss because you didn’t have the dress? Just some ideas, keep them in mind since Patty is being sooooooooooooooo “nice” these days.
Posted by N; updated 01/13/05


There Patty...I put my full name down! I guess you really never want to salvage your reputation in the bridal industry do you? Not that you could have anyway. I hope you enjoy your new career at Wal-Mart. Every time you come on here you just give the brides more and more ammunition to come back to you in court!

Brides-print off EVERY comment that Patty has posted on here...if you read them all at once you will notice a pattern-a pattern of LIES! She has made VERY inconsistent statements that do not paint a pretty picture of this "poor business woman who is trying so hard to do the right thing and help everyone out".

Go get her Betsey! If you need any free legal advice, I would be happy to give any you need (I am a lawyer).
Posted by Dorothy; updated 01/13/05


Here is all the information from other posts about Patty, we might as well have them here as well!

Patricia Hegler
196 High Ridge Cir.
Maiden, NC 28650

Be sure and give the local police these if you do contact them.

FYI for all I looked up the 206 island ford address and it says it belongs to a Maiden Therapy, not Trishas bridal. I found this phone number for you all and it sounds like it is a home phone number

Patricia Hegler
Maiden, NC

You can contact me either at 704-913-0856
Or my home # is 828-428-1531 ( depending on time you need to talk with me).
My mailing address is PO Box 723 Maiden NC 28650
Physical address is 196 High Ridge Cir Maiden NC 28650

Posted by N; updated 01/13/05


We Did dispute the charges with our credit card company!!! Of course we ALL would have preferred a phone call or email when this went down rather than having to communicate with you via a post board (and that a full month after you closed!)! This is rediculous! How Dare you attack other posters Patty after the way you have screwed other brides (intentional or not). Patty your posts just show the type of person you are and I have printed out every comment you have made and shown it to the credit card companies to show them the type of "professional" you are!
Posted by Anonomous; updated 01/13/05


Why isnt any one looking into holding this website accountable?? Has any one looked into it?
Posted by Real vendor; updated 01/13/05


Lets keep this on top for all to read!
Posted by N; updated 01/14/05


Why couldn`t you just return my phone call, or shoot me an email? I orderd my Maggie "Chantilly" from you in the beginning of December, why did you take my order and not say anything? I am currently in dispute with my credit card company over this money, because I don`t know what else to say or do. I can`t get a response out of you, how am I supposed to know if my dress has been ordered, etc. I really wish you would have just been on the up and up with me and the other brides who ordered dresses through you, it would have save a lot of heartache and hassle on both ends.

Posted by Candyce; updated 01/15/05


Trust me - this cheater is OUT OF BUSINESS and no one is getting anything they ordered

Visit our page for more info: Tamara's Bridal

Posted by Nina; updated 01/15/05


You know my friend told me partypop banned her from posting. I can`t believe partypop is banning brides from posting information about the scam artists, when all she is doing is trying to save another bride the heartache, and yet they let the scam artists keep posting. WAY TO GO PARTYPOP!! We can tell who`s side you are on!!
Posted by Tina; updated 01/17/05


Still nothing from Patty.
Posted by Betsy; updated 02/01/05


Here is a new email address for Trisha`s Formals. She emailed me today. Patty28650@charter.net Good luck getting in touch with her.
Posted by Denise; updated 02/01/05