Destination Wedding Ettiquite Questions
Hi, Im getting married in Mexico in 2006. We wanted to give people (including ourselves) plenty of time to save for the trip if they chose to attend. I would like to send out `save the date` cards to let people know when we are planning to go as well as the resort, however, is it bad to include aprox price of trip or travel agents #? my fiance is worried people will want to know how much, however i did not think this was the place to put info like that. They could call us, or simply look on line to see the aprox price of the trip. Am i wrong?
Posted by elisabeth; updated 01/11/05
A Save the Date card should just include basic information... However, there is nothing wrong with including inserts with information about the location - where to stay, local sight-seeing spots, restaurants, etc. You don`t necessarily need to include prices, but just give your guests a lot of resources so they know where to look for information.
If you are interested in Save the Date cards or Desination Wedding invitations, please contact me at I have a wide variety available on my website and I can offer you a 20% discount. Thanks!
Visit our page for more info: Daisy Days
Posted by Sarah; updated 01/11/05