Wanted Oleg Cassini K3000
Can you give me your email address and I can send the picture of the dress the veil the earrings the bracelet and the tiara. You can let me know if you would want all of that you don`t have to I just want to be able to sell the dress. I never wore the dress because we got married in Gulf Shores on the beach and I wore a real casual dress. I can work with you on the price because I just don`t want it sitting around any more I would like it to go to good use. You can also let me know if you would like the matching accessories with it or not.
Posted by Michelle; updated 01/11/05
Email: trtsui04@wmalumni.com
Do send me pics of the accessories. I was looking to buy for $500.
Posted by Tracee; updated 01/11/05
Have you sold the accessories to your dress yet? I am interested in purchasing the matching tiara. If not, please send me pictures of it at deetrabryant@msn.com.
Posted by Deetra; updated 01/27/05
Hi I was wondering if you had anything left?
Posted by michele; updated 02/09/05
Yes I do. Please let me know what you are interested in.
Posted by Michelle; updated 02/10/05