Paloma Blanca 3305
Help! I`m on a tight budget and trying to locate a new Paloma Blanca Style 3305 dress for under $880 in size 10 or 12 in natural. I`ve tried all over NY, but no one quotes lower than $1,100. I`d be willing to pay for reasonable shipping w/o alterations. Any other sites/stores to look for this dress would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Posted by Denise; updated 01/06/05
I ordered my Paloma Blanca 3560 from RK Bridal online for $974 including shipping. I`m not sure about the relative price of the 3305, but try checking and as well as RK and Pearl`s Place.
Posted by Karin; updated 01/06/05
Thank you for your assistance. I have already contact RK Bridal & Pearl `s Place. But if I get a good quote from an authorized dealer, I guess will bring it to RK Bridal`s to beat by 5%. I submitted an info. Request @, but the web site does not seem to exist anymore. Oh well. Thanks again for some more leads to track down.
Posted by Denise; updated 01/10/05