Is This Proper?

I am having a Sweet 16 for my daughter. I found the most beautiful invitations online that looked like tickets to the Royal ball. Instead of using the stub part as a Save the Date, I had them make them into RSVP. I was asked about the wording of the invitaiton and chose something like this:

It has been proclaimed that on the 20th day of August 2005, there will be a Royal Ball. Your Presence is Requested. Please join (hae name) in the celebration of her Sweet 16 at (name of hall) ("Address) *Dress is Formal.

That is the part that my mother is mortified with. She told me that it should never state that on an invitation. If they are invited to a Royal Ball, they will know that the dress is formal. I figured that many sweet 16`s are not formal, they are just parties and I wanted her friends to know to wear their prom dresses/gowns and to be formal. I do not want to let anyone in wearing jeans and sneakers! Is this proper?
Posted by Mika; updated 12/28/04


I`m 20, and though I would know that a Ball is usually formal, at 16 I didnt own any formal wear. So while it is a nice gesture, not only at 16 would I not have dressed as formally as you wish unless it was stated, I probably would not have attended as I couldnt afford that kind of attire for only a birthday party. So unless everyone is from wealthy families, good luck. I would rather have friends show up in jeans than not come because they cant dress up. So, basically, if your guests are able to afford formal wear like that, then I would assume that they would probably know. As someone who comes from middle class family, I would not have known and had I been turned away at the door, probably not very happy.
Good luck
Posted by Nicole; updated 01/03/05


She stated in her message that they wear the gowns that they wore at their junior proms or soph hops so I am guessing that these ladies have formal attire since many young ladies wear formal attire to their proms. I say it is proper since you want to make sure that they are dressed appropriately. Most children going to a formal sweet 16 or a quince, know that they wear a gown or a very nice dress and they know that they can get that formal wear dirt cheap at many places, I have seen formal sundresses at Kohl`s for $20 with a nice wrap so that is fine for a sweet 16, it is very nice and yes you can do that.
Posted by Francine; updated 01/03/05