Old Wedding Gown
I recently found my wedding gown upstairs in our attic. It was originally my mother`s gown, all satin and lace. I was so disappointed to find it yellowed and unwearable (especially the lace). It had been preserved but the box had been opened to the air. I tried professional dry cleaning but it did not help. Does any one have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Posted by Claudia; updated 02/02/02
There`s a place in Picayune, Mississippi that`s famous for wedding dress restoration. I can`t remember the name of it, but they cleaned/restored some of Princess Di`s dresses.
Posted by Mimi; updated 02/06/02
Did you ever find a place to try and restore that old wedding gown...i have a similar problem with a baptismal gown, my own, that i would like my baby to use....if you did find a place, can you share the information...thanks
Posted by Adriana; updated 05/02/02
I also have an old wedding gown that i would like to make something from it. Lots of lace and pearls. What could be made from it that would keep the memory of the gown alive?
Posted by joan; updated 05/03/04