Hey gurls im going to have a 15 in june of next year and i need to get an escort but the thing is i like girls and i really dont want a bot escort but im scarrred of what everyone will say about me i should get the boy bc it looks right but just bc it looks right does not mean it feels right i alredy have a girlfriend but i also like thsi boy too but i want the girl more than the boy bc she looks good and has all the curves you could dream of and the boy i DONT KNOW what to do because he is my friend and he is fine too HELP !!!!!!!!
Posted by Clair; updated 12/23/04


Talk to your family. Never be afraid of what you are. If you were not afraid to put this on the message board, then you should be able to talk to your parents and your family. They love you and they want you to be happy. Talk to your family.
Posted by Mei Mei; updated 12/26/04