IAm Fat Some Body Help Me

I need help iam fat i never go out of my house help me
Posted by Big jack; updated 12/22/04


Hey why don`t you try to work out at your house any movement helps thats what i learned. Oh and don`t over eat thats not good. Well hey if you want to talk about more then e-mail me k .at xxchuntiloverxx@yahoo.com take care k don`t be shy!!!
Posted by Carla; updated 12/27/04


After having my lil girl, i put on a few pounds and the way i got back into shape was by exercising and watching what i eat. I have a journal in which i write down every single thing i put into my mouth. Have u ever counted calories??? you should try it . It really helps you see how much you eat. Loosing weight is hard at first, but once u start seeing results, it helps u keep going. Good luck!
Posted by marisela; updated 01/05/05