So Confused!
Hey people!Well omg I am so confused I think ima have ma quince in 2006 but I dont know what to do.I don`t know if I should go on a cruise or if I should do a quince.Like I am really really confused and I really need help.Cuz ma sis has a quince and i loved them, and so did ma cousin but I am not sure cuz I used to go on cruises and I miss it...arg!Please help me with all of this cuz I need to know soon.
Posted by Mizz Thang; updated 12/22/04
Well hey think of it this way you only turn 15 once!!! so you have to decide and no one should do it for you so think about it and if you want to talk about more then E-mail me k at think real hard on this one.
Posted by Carla; updated 12/27/04