Quinceanera Theme
Please anyone help me in planning my quinceanera. I need a list of themes, and a list of everything i need padrinos for. Please help.
Posted by Blanca; updated 12/19/04
Flowers (your birth month flower) you can make flower pot pens for favors, Birthstone, Cinderella, Precious Moments, Beauty & the Beast, Butterflies, Castles, Beach, Mardi Gras, Casino and so many others. What do you like? Do you like Disney movies? Do you like flowers? Is you birthday in the spring, summer, fall or winter? There are so many themes out there and you can do so much for your party. Go with what you love most.
Posted by Mika; updated 12/19/04
I need help with my theme too. My 15`s is in november. Please help me?
Posted by Brenda; updated 12/30/04
Hello - when you decide upon your theme - please feel free to email me for favors, decorations, etc. I hand paint everything to the detail of your event. So everything will be totally unique for your special day. You can see some of my work at www.conniespersonalizedkeepsakes.com and you can email me anytime or IM me I am happy to help!!
Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design
Posted by Connie; updated 12/31/04
Well i am wondering if i could do it with the theme of lion king cause i really love those movies but i don`t think it would look right, well if that does not work i am going to go with either winter wonderland or victorian but i am not sure please give me some advice.
Posted by Blanca; updated 01/01/05
Winter wonderland sounds fresh. Go 4 it
Posted by Brenda; updated 01/02/05
The Lion King is a beautiful theme, you can be Nala (princess) and your escort is Simba. Your theme can be a jungle. E-mail me (pomikab@juno.com) and I will send you some pictures of jungle themes an favor ideas that you can use. Connie has wonderful ideas for favors and centerpieces. I purchased many things from her for my daughter`s Sweet 16 and for my holiday decorations, parties and many other things that she has that I wanted. E-mail me if you want help with the lion king theme.
Posted by Mika; updated 01/02/05
I would absolutely love to help you with a Lion King Theme - I think it would be awesome and orginal! Please visit my website and go to the Hurricanes page where you can see some of the Disney one`s I am doing for a wedding. I could do Hurricanes for Centerpieces with the characters from Lion King, as Mika said you could be Nala and I could do Nala on toasting flutes, etc. Lion King is one of my favorite films so everything would be done with great enthusiasm. Email me I would love to help!!!
Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design
Posted by Connie; updated 01/02/05
Ok so my theme might be lion king, but know does anyone that has already had their quinceanera have a list of all of the padrinos(sponsors) that i would need for my quinceanera. Please and thankyou
Posted by Blanca; updated 01/22/05
Hi, my name is jolissa and i am having a sweet 15 on march 3rd 2007 and I need some ideas for a spring sweet 15 any themes i need all help i can get Thank u Jolissa Payne
Posted by Jolissa; updated 10/11/06
I would love to help you I have done some very pretty butterfly themes which might be a nice touch for spring, we can do them in spring colors, etc. You may see some examples of my work at www.cmbcrafts.com
Email me anytime - happy to help!
Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design
Posted by Connie; updated 10/12/06
Will anyone pleas help me come up with a theme for my sweet 16 it will be held in Mexico in june i have the dress which was made for me by a designer but the thing is that my dress colors are turquoise and the corset a serten kind of black but yeah when my mom said that my dress would have black i was like what no but when i seen the dress it lookd amazing it looked realy elegant but now the hard thing is combining all the supplys for my party with the colors of my dress and i realy need hepld planning this party will anyone pleas help me i would appreciate if anyone would replies.
Posted by Liz; updated 11/26/06
Hi Liz,
I can definitely help you with decorations in the colors of your dress.
I custom make every order so color is never an issue.
You may see some of my work at www.cmbcrafts.com
These are just examples not what you are limited to
Email me anytime!
Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design
Posted by Connie; updated 11/26/06
Help!!! I keep thinking of things I am forgetting. Could someone help me with themes and also where I can get plates and napkins the local decoration store here only sells one pattern and I don`t like it. My email is eilis.r@proassoc.com or amiga11053@aol.com
Posted by Eilis; updated 12/27/06