Location Ideas? Bay Area Bachelorette Party

Did anyone have a good experiance with a bar or club for their bachelorette party in the Bay Area? I`m looking for a place with a early-mid 20`s crowd...A good place do the scavenger hunt (t-shirt). A place near the many Universities in the Bay Area, perhaps?

Can anyone help? Any bar/club/central area where we can walk to a lot of bars welcome!

Posted by Kathryn; updated 01/28/02


Hey there...I am wondering the same thing! I am from Sacramento, though, and we want to have our party there in San Francisco, but we don`t know what clubs are good on Thursday nights. I have to have my party on the Thursday before my wedding, because most of my friends are from out of state. I have a list of clubs in the area, but I have no idea of how good they are. What night are you having your party? Email me at dawnherring@yahoo.com, and I will tell you what clubs I do know about. A couple friends and I are planning on checking out the club scene there once the weather gets a little nicer. I can let you know what I find out afterwords.
Posted by Dawn; updated 01/30/02


I live in bay area. Well i am doing my sister bacheloreete party. I`m thinking getting limo to city . I heard there a good club called ruby sky or rouge.
Posted by veronica; updated 07/13/03