Host A Sex Toy Party For Your Bachelorette

Over 1000 sex toys and sensual aids

We offer over 1000 products in a gorgeous 104 pg, full size catalog. Compare it with any other companies catalog and you will see there IS NO COMPARISON! It must be seen to be appreciated!

Amazing Hostess Incentives

With a $500 show you earn over $250 in FREE products. This is very easy to accomplish. Better yet, book additional parties from yours and add up to $160 more in FREE products. Thats $410 in FREE prducts from a $500 show!

No other company even remotely comes close to that! Plus, you will have over 1000 products to choose from. Imagine how much fun you will have with your partner when you dip into the toy chest you earned from hosting ONE PARTY!

Host a local party

National database of local consultants to host your sex toy party. You will be contacted immediately. All our consultants will give you a a fun, educational and unique experience. That`s the For Your Pleasure difference!

847 596-2672
Posted by Sara; updated 12/18/04